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Advanced Public Affairs

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22 Jul 2025 09:30 am to 12:30 pm Europe/London


Members £235 + VAT Non-members £330 + VAT



This half day course is aimed at senior practitioners who wish to broaden and deepen their public affairs knowledge and skills.

How attendees will benefit
As a result of participating in this course attendees can expect to:
Feel confident about the key features of advanced public affairs
Gain a broader perspective on successful lobbying
Pick up ideas for the benefit of their own organisation
Be better placed to train junior public affairs colleagues themselves
Navigate complex public affairs challenges skilfully and professionally


Who should attend
Senior public affairs practitioners who work in-house for companies, trade associations and charities as well as senior public affairs consultants.


What attendees will learn
Do’s and don’ts for research, messaging, strategy and tactics
What psychology can teach us about how to deliver messages effectively
The impact of cultural differences on lobbying techniques
Criteria for engaging with the media
Ethical issues
The role of public affairs consultancies


Delegate instructions
No pre-work for this course