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Productive Conflict and Difficult Conversations

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09 Apr 2025 09:30 am to 01:30 pm Europe/London


Members £235 + VAT

Non-members £330 + VAT



We all know that productive conflict leads to the best decisions. Even so, many of us avoid conflict where we can both in business and in life. It is often not an area we study or are skilled in - we don't know our own conflict styles or have insight into others'. This is a very practical and fast-paced workshop where you will have the opportunity to both learn about your and others' conflict styles and to practice tools to build your confidence in raising a differing viewpoint, being heard and having productive conflict. You will learn tools for how to set boundaries and have 'difficult' conversations. As a set of tools these will strengthen delegates' confidence in any communication situation which carries the risk of reactivity and conflict.

Trainer: Matt Richards


How will attendees benefit
Attendees will gain insight into the role of productive conflict in their work as well as the cost of conflict avoidance.  They will learn their own conflict style and how to interact with others in conflict situations.  They will build confidence in raising controversial or difficult issues in the right way and skills in getting results from these conversations.  Ideal for anyone who knows they naturally prefer to avoid conflict or anyone whose role involves having difficult conversations.   


Who should attend
This course is designed for Board members, Account Directors and any staff who interact with others (internal and external) and need to have productive conflict or difficult conversations. 


What attendees will learn
Their own personal conflict style
How to read others' conflict styles
How to adapt to have productive conflict based on your style and others' styles
The impact of conflict - destructive and productive - how to recognise it and what to do about it
Conflict and leadership 
Boundary setting
The Empathy Sequence tool for difficult conversations - how and when to apply
Choosing when to speak up
Confidence and conflict - how these are related and how to retain your confidence


Delegate instructions
Attendees will receive the styles of productive conflict guide, the Empathy Sequence toolkit, boundary setting model and toolkit.