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Better Pitching

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03 Jun 2025 09:30 am to 12:30 pm Europe/London


Members £235 + VAT Non-members £330 + VAT



Pitching is a critical part of consultancy life. It’s a competitive world and client prospects want to assess the market, review the talent pool and test the promises of those they meet. Agency life is busy enough as it is and as a result one of the most critical elements of our business plan is too often left to the last minute, or is squeezed in between everything else we have to do!

Trainer: Alison Clarke


How attendees will benefit
This course is rooted in an understanding of consultancy dynamics and will provide a practical guide through the process from brief to presentation or submission. If followed, the recommendations made will make a difference to your pitch success.


Who Should Attend 
This is for all those responsible for leading or senior participation in new business pitches. It’s an important refresher for the experienced practitioner.


What attendees will learn 
Section 1 – the three-step process to success
When the lead comes in
Getting the campaign ready
The big day

Section 2 - general guidelines to cover:
Deciding to pitch
Involving colleagues
Telling the story
Better pricing

Section 3 – Practical exercise
Scenario exercise
Feedback and discussion
Section 4 - Golden Rules

Discussion and summary


Delegate instructions
No pre-work for this course