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Harnessing AI Ethically for Competitive Advantage

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05 Jun 2025 10:30 am to 11:30 am Europe/London


Members £160 + VAT Non-members £225 + VAT



This course looks at the importance of fourth generation tools such as AI and machine learning (ML) and the impact they are having on the evolving job function of communications across all sectors and geographies. You’ll learn how the business landscape is changing; why the market is now ripe for AI; who the vendors are, how you can get started and what success looks like.

Trainer: Katie King


How attendees will benefit
The workshop will provide best practice guidance for the use of AI in PR and comms.  All theory will be supported by up-to-date case studies, enabling you to be agile and competitive.


Who should attend

Anyone who would like a broader understnanding on AI in PR and comms.


What attendees will learn
Learn how AI is reshaping society and business
Explore the tools that are automating many manual tasks
Build a plan for incorporating AI into your marketing and comms plans
Understand the impact of ethics such as client consent, and fair, transparent use of data
Learn how to break down the barriers to change
Understand how to budget for AI and measure its success


Delegate instructions
No pre-work for this course